Bicycle Parking Singapore

Find the nearest bicycle parking through your current location or your specified location:

Stop Est. Dist (km) Shelter

Disclaimer: Data is provided as it is from LTA's Bicycle Parking API. By using this data, you agree to indemnify from any damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the use of this data. If you do not agree, please use an alternate source.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I park my bicycle in Singapore?

You may use our tool to find a designated area in Singapore to park your bicycle.

May I suggest a bicycle parking lot not in your listed lots?

Our functionality can only display LTA listed bicycle slots at this stage. However, we would still like to hear from you about it. Please email us at with more information and preferably a photo. In the future, we may work on the functionality to include user contributed parking lots :)

Is your data accurate?

We use data published by Singapore Land Transport Authority's DataMall. If you find any inaccuracy, you may contact us and we may alert the relevant agencies on your behalf.

Why did you build this tool?

We have a passion for writing and building interesting things that have potential to be beneficial to society. Relatedly, we also enjoy interesting Search Engine Optimization (SEO) work. Want to build an app or explore opportunities with us? Reach out at today.